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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Here are a few suggestions:
    Volunteer at a soup kitchen or a food pantry
    Sign up for a church email newsletter and go there when they are doing pot-luck meals (bring a dish to pass)
    If you are into sports, sign up to volunteer as a coach.
    Don’t buy all of your groceries all at one time. Buy a few things each time and go more often. Even if you don’t meet or talk to anyone but the workers, you will be around other people.

  • Do you have any Amazon add-ons (extensions) installed in Firefox? Did you, or someone who uses your computer, install any software recently?

    If it is a Firefox add-on causing the issue and you have more than one that could be the culprit, start by disabling all of them. If that fixes the issue, then it is just a matter of enabling each add-on (one at a time) to discover which one is causing the issue. When you figure out which one it is, uninstall it.

  • While I will be the first person to admit that I don’t completely understand either, the concept is pretty simple.

    Think of a digital recording being something like sheet music. Sheet music is a set of instructions on how to play a song that anyone who knows how to read music can reproduce.

    Digital recordings work in a similar fashion. The playback device reads the instructions which include things like frequency and volume, and is able use that information to make a perfect playback of the digital recording.

    Could it be recreated by random chance? Sure. Would it? Probably not. At least not easily.

  • Flirting is a cooperative effort. You can have great game and still fail if she isn’t interested. You might also meet a girl that gives you a positive reaction, but you might miss it if you aren’t looking at her that way. It takes two to make flirting work.

    If you want to get to know girls; tell a few jokes or funny stories. If you think a girl might actually like you, tell her a dumb joke. If she laughs, she probably likes you. If she doesn’t laugh, she’s not interested yet. Keep trying and you will learn what works and what doesn’t.

    There are lots of women in this world so try talk to as many women as you can. Be persistent without being aggressive and you will do just fine. There is someone out there for everyone.

  • I don’t know if there are any words that you will find comforting, so I will tell you how I cope when find myself in a spiral.

    The universe is astoundingly, massively, stupid huge and you and I are here for only a fraction of a second compared to the life of a planet or a star. You matter because you are matter, but we are all insignificant and nobody is any more important than anyone else. You can kill yourself if that is truly what you want, or you could wait a little while longer and death will come for you soon enough. Try to realize just how amazing life is and consider how lucky you are to be here to experience it. I want to see what happens next, so I think I will hang out a little while longer. I can always die tomorrow.

    If that doesn’t help you; try to be thankful that you are not Sam Bankman-Fried! That guy’s life really sucks!

  • I feel like I should point out that pure lead is really soft. So soft in fact that you should be able to easily scratch and deform it with a dull knife. Lead will also tarnish really quickly when heated and turn a flat grey color. Because of its low melting point, lead would also be a really bad filler metal for cast iron cookware. It would soften and fall out if you ever overheated the pan.

    Try scratching a line through both the pan and the brighter area with the tip of a fork or a dull knife. If it’s lead, the shiny area will scratch much deeper and feel different compared to the cast iron.

    Also, filling a hole or a void with lead might be easy, but welding with steel is also easy and probably cheaper from a manufacturing perspective.

    I am far from being an expert, but I would think the shiny spot is indeed a repair but with arc welded steel or an iron/nickel alloy. Both of which will be durable, stand up to heat beautifully, and also appear noticably shinier than cast iron even after being heated on the stove.