• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Not OC, but I don’t doubt it. I’ve seen several people strapped with guns walking around their suburban home in my very red state. I saw a guy with a pistol clipped to his gym shorts getting the mail once, just dangling around, falling lower with every step. 2A bros are terrified of everything and panic without an emotional support weapon

  • Along with the points already made, selling energy back to the grid further complicates things. Selling energy as a non-utility is not allowed or practically worthless in a lot of states. So it’s really only valuable to the commercial space that can use it. Couple that with retail space like stip malls that rent their locations and there’s little incentive for the property owner to provide solar energy to the renter.

  • I too was OotL. From the channel sidebar:

    The woman we’re discussing is a body positive influencer and media personality who has gained fame and wealth by lying, manipulating, exploiting her children for content, plagiarizing BIPOC creators and blaming her BIPOC content editor for it (thereby ruining her career), among other things. Her fraudulent behavior is no different argue worse) from the likes of Jay Shetty (google him if you don’t know who he is or what he did). She’s the latest in a long line of grifting influencers who are abusing their power, taking advantage of their position and exploiting their followers. The difference is that she’s Canadian. Our laws around social media and advertising aren’t as clear (and where they are she’s disobeyed them), add to that, our mainstream media has protected her from those who’ve tried to expose her grift and silenced/intimidated anyone who’s tried to speak out.

  • I love to seeing nuclear power plants planned to replace a coal plant. The Gates one is planning to do the same thing. I imagine they will have to do some remediation to get the background radiation of a coal plant down so it doesn’t interfere with future nuclear monitoring, but replacing it with a nuclear plant is a great idea.The high power infrastructure is already in place and its not like anything else will be jumping at the opportunity to build on top of a retired coal plant.

  • Cabinet and federal appointments are the big thing. That’s why I’ll take Biden over Trump. I’m not just voting for him, I’m voting for the 4000 jobs in energy, health, labor, transportation, etc. to be run by Democrats, liberals, and qualified people.

    Trump, and project 2025 plan to fill all those roles with right wing nutjobs who will do anything to please the right. On top of those 4000, they’d expand the presidential appointment power to fire up to 45% of the federal workforce. Meteorologist who said the hurricane won’t hit Alabama? GONE! Doctor who said injecting bleach was a bad idea? FIRED!

    I’ll take anyone who won’t put Project 2025 in motion.