• 8 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • I live with an adult with a similar neurotype. My experience is that the advice in this thread can all help, especially regarding “Is there anything I can do to make this more comfortable for you?” and “This is important because…” stuff. But once the PDA gets really ingrained against something, there’s just nothing I can do. I just have to leave her to it and hope she comes around. As an adult, she is capable of making her own decisions…but I have no idea what to do when the person involved is a kid that might not really understand long-term repercussions. I know that the times when her parents really put their foot down ended up extremely exacerbating the PDA and ultimately led to her ability to exercise her autonomy being extremely damaged. But they also weren’t…uh…empathetic about it (lots of screaming and shouting), so I don’t know if putting their foot down was the problem, the verbal abuse, or both.

    Sorry for the mild ramble with no real advice, just saying I commiserate. It’s really fucking hard to live with an adult with that neurotype, I can’t imagine trying to care for a child. I wish you luck.

  • I agree with 90% of what you say - the only point I disagree on is that Palworld doesn’t “Yes, but” the ethical controversy. The entire point of Palworld is that catching Pals and using them as slave labor is unethical. That’s why you can butcher them, sell them for profit, force them to work long hours until they go insane, etc. You can literally put their corpses on a stick as a decoration. Palworld doesn’t pretend that pal slavery is ethical the way that Pokemon pretends that pokemon slavery is ethical, and that’s part of what sets it apart from Pokemon.

    I also don’t necessarily agree that the FPA is undermined by fighting against Pals and occasionally having them in cages. Fighting against pals is heavily established in the lore to be necessary - the equivalent of trying not to be mauled by a bear while traveling through an area where there’s vastly more bears than people. They can support the idea that Pals shouldn’t be enslaved, while also needing to not be mauled to death in order to achieve that goal. Having Pals in cages is tougher to explain, but a diary entry about how the FPA sometimes relocates Pals in order to repopulate areas cleared out by trainers, or how they sometimes have to remove individuals that have gotten too aggressive after negative interactions with humans, would solve the problem in an interesting way while giving them a bit of nuance.

  • TBF part of this is because skill checks are weirdly broken depending on the DM. Either the rogue makes the check for the whole party, so two rogues are competing, or everyone has to make their own checks and the rogues don’t help the party. Rogues worry more about skill checks than barbarians on average because that was their original role.

    Some way to have multiple people contribute to skill checks would be great.