420blazeit69 [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021

  • Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid. Kyiv rejects it

    Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and start negotiations if Kyiv began withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected what he called an ultimatum by Putin to surrender more territory… [the offer] didn’t include any new demands. The Kremlin has said before that Kyiv should recognize its territorial gains and drop its bid to join NATO.

    Russia occupies most, but not all, of the territory in question. They are winning the war, and this is the type of offer you make when you’re winning. As the article notes, this is not some new request; this has been on the table for a while.

    Ukraine is losing, but slowly. They could take this deal now, saving their own people’s lives, or they could continue sending men into the meat grinder and wind up with this or worse in maybe another year.

    Besides seeking to join NATO, Ukraine wants Russian forces out of its territory, including the Crimean Peninsula that was illegally annexed in 2014; the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity; and that Russia be held accountable for war crimes and for Moscow to pay reparations to Kyiv.

    Compare Russia’s terms to this – a totally delusional offer for the losing side to suggest.

  • Arseny Turbin, who committed his alleged crimes when he was just 14, has been branded as Russia’s ‘youngest terrorist’ following his conviction…

    Judge Oleg Shishov in Oryol found him guilty of ‘participation in the activities of an organisation that is recognised as terrorist’…

    [His mother] said ‘We will appeal the verdict….we did not expect this outcome at all.’

    There was a trial – “no scrap of evidence” is a bald-faced lie.

    If your theory (which really would have no scrap of evidence behind it) is that this was a kangaroo court, why would his mom be talking about appeals, and why would there be an appeal available in the first place?

    Real reporting would have been, at minimum, getting a trial transcript and evaluating the evidence yourself. Or finding a Russian lawyer who was familiar with the proceedings and interviewing them. But of course MSN didn’t do any of this, because this isn’t reporting, this is propaganda.

  • You are arguing against killing Hitler. You’re right that this sounds stupid, because it is.

    But your whole post is really beside the point: there are absolutely, positively, beyond any doubt politicians who could justifiably be assassinated. Set aside guesswork about how such an act would have played out – the act itself would obviously be justified. It would in no way make you worse than Hitler, or even anywhere near as reprehensible.

  • At this point your faced with 2 options. Assassination or choosing the lesser evil.

    The most absurd false dichotomy I’ve seen in a while, nice.

    “Honestly the first choice just makes you the greater evil.”

    “Killing Hitler just makes you worse than Hitler” – outstanding logic. Literally everyone outside of hardcore pacifists would agree there are certain politicians that it is OK to assassinate.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]@hexbear.nettoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    Today, Biden could:

    • End all U.S. military support for Israel
    • Veto any bill that contains one cent of funding for Israel
    • Publically call a genocide a genocide
    • Direct U.S. agencies to cancel contracts with companies that work with Israel, citing existing U.S. human rights laws
    • Join the ICJ case against Israel
    • Arrest Netanyahu’s son Yair, who’s just chilling in Miami
    • Direct the National Guard to protect anti-genocide protesters
    • Clean house at the State Department and other NatSec agencies to fire the people who have supported this genocide most vociferously
    • Use the vast overseas surveillance power of the U.S. to document Israeli atrocities

    How quickly would this stop?

    And that’s not even considering options like a decapitation strike on the Israeli government, which should absolutely be on the table to stop a genocide.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]@hexbear.nettoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    Taking everything you say at face value, the options for Ukraine are:

    1. Take a deal that maybe you can’t trust, but it at least gives you time to breathe.
    2. Keep fighting, and with the war going how it is eventually lose more than what you’ve already lost.
    3. Attempt to draw other states into the conflict so that you have a shot at what might be considered a victory, likely years more down the road under the best of circumstances.

    There is no justification for 2, and 3 is highly unlikely – if other states haven’t entered the war already, they’re not going to do so now.

  • Stated policy means stated policy, not “a bunch of bureaucrats were assigned the same book once.”

    they are sourcing a Duma member on Russian state television

    Fair enough. It’s still a far cry from anyone in a position to actually use nukes saying anything like that, though. Here’s the stated policy of Russia on the topic:

    Putin reiterated Russia’s formal position on the use of nuclear weapons in a statement to the Russian HRC on December 7 with no noteworthy changes. Putin claimed that the threat of nuclear war is growing, but that Russia will not be the first to employ nuclear weapons. Putin added, however, that if Russia is not the first to initiate the first use of nuclear weapons, it will also not be the second to do so, because the “possibility of using [a nuclear weapon] in the event of a nuclear strike on [Russian] territory are very limited.” Putin reiterated that Russian nuclear doctrine is premised on self-defense and stated that any Russian nuclear use would be retaliatory… Putin’s statements support ISW’s previous assessment that while Russian officials may engage in forms of nuclear saber-rattling as part of an information operation meant to undermine Western support for Ukraine, Russian officials have no intention of actually using them on the battlefield.

    Why does some random Duma member’s offhand comments mean more than this?

    Ukrainian separatists in Russian “little green men” uniforms

    So your theory is that Russia intentionally shot down a civilian airliner, targeting the Netherlands specifically… why, exactly? Do you think they’re mustache-twirling villains who do evil stuff because evil is fun?

    Proportional retaliation for their aggressive actions.

    Ok, what proportional retaliation does the U.S. deserve for Iraq?