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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The problem with you techbros is you can’t imagine anything at smaller scales. But what you just said… Jabber is here for 25 years. That means it is good enough for tons of people. Not everybody needs a shiney new toy and if free software doesn’t scale, then who cares. It can and will still work for those of us willing to share the burden and for those that can’t, each one of me can accommodate at least a few such users and those that just won’t… Fuck em. We don’t have to capture every use case to be of value. I use jabber. I have plans to self host it. It works and has done so for 25 years. Furthermore AIM captured everything a chat needs to do, why do we keep reinventing this wheel when there are much more interesting problems that need to be solved.

  • This one goes by a bunch of different common names from pheasant back to hawks wing, to dryad saddle(depending on geography, but all refer to the same mushroom) Polyporus Squamosus or if you prefer the nomenclature based on modern genetics: Cerioporus squamosus. I call it watermelon of the woods because of the smell. It is edible when very, very young and not too woody yet. It kind of cooks up like king trumpet, but not nearly as delicious. Some say the watermelon flavor comes out when you cook it, I’ve never found that to be true, but never-the-less, perhaps seasoning with mint would be a good way to go to get the watermelon flavor to come forward.

  • Because of how dehydrated these are I am reluctant to agree that it is for sure a honey mushroom (Armillaria mellea). It doesn’t look like any honey mushroom I’ve seen in the woods, though it bears certain resemblances, namely the annulus and the habit (growing from a tree root). It could well be a honey mushroom, I just don’t usually see them that dry looking. And usually in much bigger clusters around Oak trees where I live. I just personally don’t feel sure enough to say it would be safe to collect and eat and to me they are certainly not anything to write home about anyway. I prefer when they interact with entalomas to create the aborted entaloma.

  • They could be pluerotus Ostreatus, or oyster mushrooms, but the best way to tell would be to see how far down the stem the gills run. They should be fully decurrent(or run all the way down the stem, essentially right up to the mycelium). Another ID point is the smell. They should smell uniquely like the oyster mushrooms at the store, which is to say kind of savory, somewhere between chicken soup and scallops. Depending on the type of wood it could be kind of sweet smelling as they often taken on characteristics of maple syrup when growing on maple trees. If you can’t positively ID these as Pluerotus Ostreatus, please put aside the FOMO and the pressure from other inexperienced mushroom hunters to eat them. You should never eat anything you can’t positively identify. That goes for mushrooms, plants, anything. Think of it as any other unknown item you picked up off the ground. Would you just pick stuff up off the ground and put it in your mouth? No. Furthermore, don’t trust AI apps, they are notoriously bad at identifying mushrooms. They hallucinate their own facts and I could show you numerous examples of them being dangerously wrong. Especially in the case of a mushroom growing outside of its usual context. Oyster mushrooms, generally grow on trees. They have been known to colonize a compost pile or wood chips, but its not the usual. There are a lot of things these could be from the picture. As always its best not to eat something that you are not confident about. The best way to gain confidence is to get used to the process of IDing mushrooms until you can look at it with certainty and know what it is.

  • I am not worried about this. I think threads is going to end up like all the fascist instances. Perhaps they will have more users… Good for them. But the rest of us will defederate and they will become an isolated instance. Which begs the question, why use activity pub at all? I suppose maybe its so they can run multiple servers themselves and piggy back on the infrastructure that was laid down for free. As long as most of us defederate its not going to change much. You could get about as much data scraping timelines now as they could siphon up with federating. So small instances will continue to federate with each other and that will end up being a smaller amount of the people using the fediverse. The only way this matters is if we obsess about numbers. But honestly most of us can’t afford to run a big instance anyway, so obsessing about unattainable numbers is pointless. It doesn’t change the economics at all, it doesn’t change the fact that small instances will federate with each other and not stuff we don’t like. It may change the privacy stuff, which is something we can fix with some vigilance.