A team of hackers from Brazil have taken first place in a hackathon organized by the country’s telecoms regulator. The challenge was to develop a solution to prevent non-approved ‘pirate’ set-top devices from functioning in people’s homes. The team say they were able to remotely transfer code which completely disabled a target device. Once implemented, “there will be a general failure in most of the irregular boxes in use,” the hacker predicted.

  • LiveLM@lemmy.zip
    4 months ago

    Am I supposed to be impressed?
    Most of these pirate TV Boxes run the rankest Android 4 ROMs you’ve ever seen.

    Like wow, you’ve found a exploit on 2011 user-debug Android, amazing.
    There used to be 1-click root apps for these shits back then, am I really supposed to be amazed that you managed to reproduce that and brick some shittily made boxes? Running old chipsets chock full of vulnerabilities? Running an ancient and unpatched OS? Running the shoddiest programmed piracy front-ends ever? Really?