Let’s talk about something something blue.

What is the scene in a videogames that you consider the saddest moment in your gaming life (aka: where gamers cried)?

For me it was Dom’s death in Gears of War 3.
Such an amazing scene after a crescendo of emotions during the first three chapters of the saga


#Gaming #Videogames #VideogamesSaddestMoment #WhereGamersCried #Gamer #Gamers


  • COMPU73E ❄️@mstdn.games
    3 days ago

    @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online @brakeoutgaming@gamerstavern.online

    without doubt it’s the ending of Persona 3, hearing “Kimi no Kioku” (“Memories of You”) start playing as the credits roll. after everything that’s happened in that game

  • danwholivesathome@mstdn.games
    3 days ago

    @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online it’s been a long time since I played it but…

    The bit in #BrothersATaleOfTwoSons where you have to swim across a stretch of water without your brother who’s just died.

    The entire game at that point hinges on the two of you functioning as left and right control sticks; and suddenly one of them isn’t there and the…very real fact that he’s gone effects the game in a way I’ve not seen before or since; it crushed me.

  • NaClKnight is Black online!@c.im
    3 days ago

    @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online The “Lone Wolf” level in #HaloReach still shakes me. Watching the last ship fly off the planet, with you intentionally left behind, on a planet overrun with Covenant aliens

    It’s a single moment.
    you take damage in this particular mission, and for the first time in the game, a crack runs along your visor and the screen. It’s eerie. Normally you just wait for your shield to recharge.

    This is serious. It feels final.

    The cracks grow as you fight endless waves of Covenant until your visor is too cracked to see through

    Then the cutscene plays: your Spartan taking off their helmet, their face just out of frame as the camera remains looking out from your discarded helmet.

    You fighting, killing, to the very last, hopelessly overrun. The scenes ends right before you’re stabbed to death.

    and then a time skip.

    Your visor in the dirt. Your body missing. Buried. Unknown.

    You died. In a #Halo game. You and your entire squad died completing the mission. But you died nonetheless.

    That… yeah that shook me.


      • NaClKnight is Black online!@c.im
        3 days ago

        @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online It’s one of my favorite series of all time and my favorite shooter, flat out.

        Reach is my favorite game in the series, but I’ll admit i think it works so well because your team of Gen 3 Spartans are exceptional but aren’t singular forces of destruction like Master Chief is.

        It’s a good subversion of the classic Halo formula once you know what to expect from Chief

        I think Reach has the best story

  • @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online The death of Arthur Morgan in RDR2. The way you get attached to his character over the course of the game as his personality changes due to him getting sick, it’s one of the best character arcs I’ve seen in a game.

  • @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online

    I’ve never been one to cry over sad scenes, but Sarah’s death in TLOU had me ugly-face crying. Had to stop playing for a bit, and that’s the beginning of the game. 😂

  • Aaron@gamerstavern.online
    4 days ago

    @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online Didn’t need that so early in the morning. It’s always amazing when games can spark real emotions like that

  • Lynn@mstdn.games
    4 days ago


    • Solas breaking up with me (Dragon Age Inquisition)
    • Jackie dying (Cyberpunk, yes even though CDPR spoiled it in their trailers)
    • Song So Mi dying (she can live but I prefer the mercy kill; again Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty… ugh the feels)
    • Maya’s death (Borderlands 3)
    • Jade’s death (Warframe)

    I’m sure there are more. In no particular order, just what popped into my head.