Greetings, Android aficionados! 📱👋

Today, let’s take a moment to get to know each other better. We’d love to know:

  • Which Android devices are you currently using?
  • What do you love most about them?
  • What do you dislike?

Whether you’re rocking the latest flagship or cherishing a reliable budget device, we want to hear about your experiences. Share the brand, model, and any standout features that make your phone shine. Who knows, you might inspire someone to discover their next Android companion! 🌟💬

Remember, let’s keep the conversation friendly and inclusive. Everyone’s perspective is valuable, no matter the device they use. We’re here to celebrate the diversity within the Android ecosystem and learn from each other.

  • Gogo
    1 year ago

    LG Wing.

    Love the dual screen functionality of course but what’s more impressive is the fact that the 2nd screen is concealed beautifully such that on first glance, you can’t even tell that it’s not a normal phone! The primary camera is also excellent.

    The software is pretty shit. LG sacked their mobile division 2 years ago and while they have kept their promise of giving this phone Android 13, they’ve done the bare minimum effort to support it. You couldn’t even tell it’s android 13, has the same UI and features that they shipped with Android 11. The settings app is also inconsistent, some screens have that stock android feel others have the traditional LG UI. And bugs are plenty. The processor is another weak point, it’s not able to keep up in 2023.