This summer, a stretch of hot, dry weather in Austin has tested everyone’s patience. The record-high heat has also posed a danger to those not lucky enough to feel the relief of air conditioning. A new City Council resolution looks…
Businesses used to absorb huge expenses to improve their product or service and stay competitive. There simply isn’t enough competition in business anymore. In this case the competition is other available rental properties in the area. But since there’s not much competition in this or other industries now, the general sentiment has become “all expenses must be passed on to the consumer and all savings retained by the company”, and it’s pretty fucking frustrating as a consumer.
Businesses used to absorb huge expenses to improve their product or service and stay competitive. There simply isn’t enough competition in business anymore. In this case the competition is other available rental properties in the area. But since there’s not much competition in this or other industries now, the general sentiment has become “all expenses must be passed on to the consumer and all savings retained by the company”, and it’s pretty fucking frustrating as a consumer.