On one side, civil society groups this week launched a coalition to promote the move toward a government-run free-file program. On the other, tax preparation firms like Intuit and H&R Block have been pouring millions into lobbying to try to stop the idea cold.
The current actual free file requires you to fill out the info correctly and send it in. If you do this wrong, you are penalized, as the IRS already knows what you owe. You may also miss out on lucrative credits or breaks you are eligible for.
This new system will show you the info the IRS already has, and you can double check it and click “yes” instead. Its easier, likely more accurate, and most people will save money with it as it auto calculates credits. It will mirror the systems commonly in use in europe, which make taxes a breeze for most people.
Big tax brands hate this, as it drastically simplifies taxes for most Americans, which will collectively save americans billions/yr instead of it needlessly going in their pockets.
What’s wrong with the existing electronic-free-file system?
The current actual free file requires you to fill out the info correctly and send it in. If you do this wrong, you are penalized, as the IRS already knows what you owe. You may also miss out on lucrative credits or breaks you are eligible for.
This new system will show you the info the IRS already has, and you can double check it and click “yes” instead. Its easier, likely more accurate, and most people will save money with it as it auto calculates credits. It will mirror the systems commonly in use in europe, which make taxes a breeze for most people.
Big tax brands hate this, as it drastically simplifies taxes for most Americans, which will collectively save americans billions/yr instead of it needlessly going in their pockets.