The comment I replied to, as written, comes off as a critique of the child/family’s actions.
They have no influence on the macro conditions.
Edit this is like :
“Man saves child from drowning”
Then comment is like “why could the child access a river?”
Like, yeah, we all agree the child should have been supervised around water, but that’s not the point of the article. The point is that someone completed a charitable/selfless action.
Lemmy constantly kneejerks to the macro, abstract case and it’s silly. Lemmy prefers to complain about out of system variables than commend I’m system variables.
The comment I replied to, as written, comes off as a critique of the child/family’s actions.
They have no influence on the macro conditions.
Edit this is like :
“Man saves child from drowning”
Then comment is like “why could the child access a river?”
Like, yeah, we all agree the child should have been supervised around water, but that’s not the point of the article. The point is that someone completed a charitable/selfless action.
Lemmy constantly kneejerks to the macro, abstract case and it’s silly. Lemmy prefers to complain about out of system variables than commend I’m system variables.