@linux Sharing a ‘small’ inconvenience I had to fix with #opensuse #slowroll (I suspect #tumbleweed is the same) - I couldn’t launch snaps (spotify, bitwarden) after update - error was: cannot determine seccomp compiler version in generateSystemKey fork/exec /usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp: no such file or directory
The fix (I first tried re-installing, didn’t work) was to:
a. locate snap-seccomp - was in /usr/libexec/snapd
b. symlink: ln -s /usr/libexec/snapd /usr/lib/snapd
Are you sure snapcraft requires the original developer publish snaps? This seems unlikely, but they may have updated their policies.
Edit: they aren’t, Signal for example is an unofficial snap not published by the Signal developers but rather “snapcrafters” - https://snapcraft.io/signal-desktop
Snapcraft has hosted multiple malicious applications, so I wouldn’t exactly call it a safe place either.
@Bitrot @linux interesting, thank you for that information: I had been under the impression they did do manual verification of authors.
I did some checking: the closest I found to verification was this (so you’re right- no need to be the original author, but a bit of vetting does seem involved).
My takeaway here is to use whatever the authors recommend (assuming trusted authors)!