See the link for the long-awaited mugshot
He looks like a pouting and crying 5 year old who doesn’t get what he wants.
Ten bucks says that he practiced that face in the mirror. He’s trying to come off as a tough guy. Instead he looks like the old man at McDonald’s who was just told he won’t get another refill on his senior coffee after he used a slur to refer to the kid behind the counter.
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“I wanted to be inmate number 42069!!!”
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If it weren’t such a mouthful, I’d just call him inmate P01135809 from now on
That’s former president P01135809 to you!
He’s 5809 to me from now on.
Those numbers could be turned into letters. Sbog.
Sbog Covfefe
Haha, inmate P01135809, yeah, quite a mouthful indeed. But hey, he’s just the latest addition to the long line of famous mug shots. Wonder if he’ll sell any “Free P01135809” t-shirts in his next campaign. We’ll have to wait and see.
Haha, yeah, that definitely is a mouthful. But hey, they gotta have those official inmate numbers, I guess. Wonder if he’s gonna add it to his list of titles too. “Former President, Reality TV Star, and Inmate P01135809.” Has a certain ring to it, don’t you think?
I see he went with the “try to still look powerful and in charge” strategy for the mugshot. Unfortunately it just reads as “comic book villain”.
It makes me a little disappointed it’s not set against the height chart backdrop holding a written sign like 50 cent’s mugshot, to really complete the look.
I want his real weight and height released
What’s even funnier is that he probably wears elevator shoes to get that precious 6’3" height. That’s why he always looks like he’s hunched forward. (desantis, and puttin wear them, too.)
couple that with the cry-eyes and the black eye… he reminds me of a yappy dog.
Shoes probably don’t cause that posture, but dementia sure can.
They didn’t weigh or measure him. What a load of bullshit.
I was more annoyed that after booking, he got on his plane and left. Like, either bond is there for flight risk or it isn’t, why is it OK for him to leave the state?
… because he’s likely to come back?
Kim kardashian wore less makeup in her mugshot.
Looks like he’s trying to do Blue Steel
Thank you! I saw the same
Someone on Mastodon pointed out how he looks like Vigo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters 2 in that mug shot, and I can’t unsee it.
Ah yes. Donald Trump, Scourge of America, Sorrow of democracy, Trump the Floridian, Trump the Cruel, Trump the Torturer, Trump the Despised, Trump the Unholy.
You’re suggesting his crimes warrant execution by poison, bring shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered? Ouch.
probably the worst thing we could do… is forget about him.
The facility now identifies as Jail Force One.
He looks like an old goblin who’s too tired to ask me 3 riddles
🤣 so big and mean!
Right? He looks like he’s trying to intimidate the camera lol
I like this one better
I refuse to believe this chump is just 215 lbs. Probs aint even 6’3"
He’s not. Obama is 6’2" and you easily Google pictures of Trump and Obama standing side by side.
There’s just no way. I’m 6’1" 215. I have skinny legs and a small belly. I’m not anywhere close to being as dumpy as Trump. I’d clock him at 240+.
Closer to 300.
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He’s. So. Orange.
That scowl dude… “but maaaaa he took my toyyyyyy!” 😭
Fuck around and find out about Georgia police and prisons.
I wouldn’t be surprised if all the cops in that place are his supporters and fans
Been waiting a long time for a Trump mug shot. Great to see. He deserves it.
How did his eyes get so red and what the hell os on his head?
Look at this graph…
You seized that moment beautifully
It’s been a really rough day, okay? It’s okay if he cried.
Media saturation can make us forget that even ghouls accompanied by PR teams 24/7 are humans too, and humans generally look quite imperfect.
He’s hiding his jowls and neck vagina