Wyoming Area: 253,335 km2
United Kingdom area: 244,376 km2
Wyoming population: 576,851 (2020)
Glasgow urban area population: 632,350 (2020)
Wyoming Area: 253,335 km2
United Kingdom area: 244,376 km2
Wyoming population: 576,851 (2020)
Glasgow urban area population: 632,350 (2020)
Those shit bags get 2 senators…
Each 1 Wyoming voter is worth about 67 Californians in the senate due to the fact that California has about 67 times the population but still only 2 senators.
38,940,231 Californians / 576,851 Wyomingites = ~67.5 ratio
Each Wyoming is worth one California in the Senate due to the fact that California and Wyoming are both single states. The messed up part is the missing like 140 representatives that should exist to balance population to representative for each state.
Same as every other state dingus. That’s why we have the house of representatives.