At the moment I’ve dusted off a guitar and a bass I bought close to 20 years ago, an Ibanez EDB300 bass guitar
and my FrankenFender
a modified/mutilated Fender MusicMaster.
Without more experience then just messing about with a bad accoustic I thought those weren’t to bright purchases, but at least I had a chance on getting to learn to play them, although I just started last month. (after fixing the FrankenFender, the added pickup is dead)
When shopping for some useful additions (tuner, neckband, stand) I however found the Fazley FMB218NT
at a very low cost, so I just added it to the basket before checking out. I think for now, buying a fretless bass when just learning to play tops it (for now), although I hope it manages to force me to concentrate more on the left hand.
I guess I’m not the only one that was a tad to enthusiastic when starting, what do you all consider as your (initially) bad decisions and how did they turn out?
Edit: Layout corrections and used my own pick for the Fazely instead of a static one from the shop (that didn’t work in !
Then I’m glad I ordered a tuner with metronome. I got gifted a Korg tuner years ago, but wanted one with a dial. With metronome it was cheaper then without, so I picked it. It’ll arrive tomorrow with the rest.
I’m now concentrating more on technique then on songs, as messing up on technique is my biggest frustration. (And battling with gear)