Does anyone know of a Duolingo-like birding application that gamifies bird identification?
(Particularly for Android and extra points for sound ID in addition to visual ID)
I don’t know of a gamified version (but would love to see one), but for help identifying, validating, and tracking sightings you may find the Merlin app from TheCornellLab useful.
Oh, I definitely use and love the major apps. I was thinking more in terms of repetition and reward to aid memorization.
There are numerous birds i can identity by sight or sound rather easily, but… I still struggle with mixing many smaller finch sized birds; females and juveniles against similar colored males of another species; and how numerous calls sound very alike.
Having an app to drill and test me would be wonderful.
Merlin is never able to figure out my location so I’ve been using Audubon.
That’s strange that a single app would struggle with that. And this is with location permissions allowed for the app?
Yep. Definitely weird. I tried all the basic troubleshooting stuff but no luck.
Seek is probably the closest to what you’re describing, but it’s not just for birds.
iNaturalist has a gamified element to it as well, but it’s pretty barebones. It’s basically just “These are popular things in your area that you haven’t found yet” and when you find them, they just drop off the list silently.
This app looks exactly along the lines I was thinking. Even though it’s broader, I think I may love it nonetheless.
Bonus, maybe it’s something I can do together with my kids as well. Time to give it a go.
I love seek to identify plants. I had gotten really good at it using it
Larkwire has a website, ios ans andriod apps!
Oh hell yeah this is awesome
Thank you! Looking it up now.
This is a fantastic idea. It would have a limited audience, but I don’t know why duolingo doesn’t use their app for other gamified learning.
For instance, I’d love some gamified learning around tying various knots. I don’t use knots for my job, but I’ve always felt like it would be handy to know 10-15 of the most common knots for when I go into the woods.
Limited audience indeed. It sure would be great to have all kinds of gamified learning content, though. Constant reenforcement and rewards helps a lot. Like my dog and treats. 🤪
Although not gamified, you might be interested in this:
That was risky click knowing some of the stuff that gets posted on this website.