Hiya commanders! I havent played since 2018 but recently got back into it, and I’ve been exploring like nuts! I got a thargoid question? Can they show up outside of invaded territories? I was around Ueon, getting back from an expedition and I picked up a lot of nonhuman signals in a star system? I didnt check it out cuz I was in a hurry to get home, and didn’t want to risk loosing 25mil in data

Edit: Nuen! I meant Nuen, dunno where Ueon came from lol

  • XeroxCool@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Yes, they are still in other systems. As I understand it, the systems shown on the goid gal map only reference the powerplay/BGS components. There are still Thargoids in their classic systems, but they won’t interdict you and don’t have conflict zones. Note: hyperdiction will still happen ~20% of the time when jumping into a classic goid system.

    Also, not sure if you got odyssey or which version you’re playing (it split), but odyssey’s foot exploration is where the money is in exploring. It can be a pain to find things, but there’s bacterial colonies and fungal stuff you can scan and turn in for more than planets were ever worth