The article accused climate change activists of threatening a beloved culinary staple.

neoliberals turn fascist when you threaten their treats, just look at what happened to Matt Christman baby-matt

But the regulation proposed by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection would not actually apply to carbon emissions. It would instead require businesses with coal- and wood-fired ovens to “hire a professional engineer or registered architect to assess the feasibility of installing emission controls on the cook stove to achieve a 75% reduction in particulate emissions.” Such emissions, like soot, have been shown to be harmful to human health.

phony ass NYC NPCs pretending to enjoy delicious food when their senses are clouded by heavy smoke like an orphan in the British industrial revolution. I like pizza flavored pizza, personally!

The Post’s mischaracterization of the pending regulation was repeated by outlets including the Daily Beast, the Daily Mail, the Blaze, National Review, and the Washington Examiner.

the deep state parroting anti-Bernie rag is indistinguishable from fascists, so weird

One conservative activist lobbed slices of pizza at New York City Hall on Wednesday, shouting "Give us pizza or give us death.”

“conservative activist”

The Daily Caller attributed the rule to “climate extremists,” and Twitter owner Elon Musk complained that the “utter BS” regulation “won’t make a difference to climate change.”

Grimes: “Gimmie pizza! P - I - Z - Z - A! Gimme pizza!”

If an assessment finds that it is feasible to install pollution controls, they would have to be added within six months. Paul Gianone, owner of a pizza restaurant in Brooklyn that installed the technology in 2019, told the Post that it cost $20,000. (A restaurant could instead switch to an electric or gas oven, but commercial models may also cost more than $10,000.)

capitalist innovation fails yet again

If the assessment finds a reduction of 75% is impossible, the professional assessor either finds a way to reduce emissions by 25%, or explains to the city why no emissions controls can be installed.

planting an olive tree inside and blasting it with Italian flag colored LEDs so it can grow

“We’re talking about the wildfires and bad air from Canada? Workers with these coal-and wood-oven fired pizzerias are breathing in a wildfire every day,” Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, who wrote the bill when he was on the council

hell yeah dude

One unnamed restaurateur was quoted by the Post saying installing pollution controls would result in “ruining the taste of the pizza totally destroying the product.” Similar concerns were expressed by commentators such as Piers Morgan.

“I like the taste of soot” - satanic demon Piers Morgan

But removing pollution from smoke doesn’t change the taste of the food in the oven. The air filtration systems are already widely used in Italy (although pizzeria owners there have also objected to the cost of installing them)

one struggle, one unified working class, Papa Johns

Gianone said adding the filter was “a huge hassle” but that his neighbors have stopped complaining about the smoke from his shop since he installed it.

(Vinesauce voice) “Luigi, you need to reduce soot emissions, you’re going to die of lung cancer Luigi” “But Mario, the taste of the abyss gives it a unique flavor! I think the ladies like a guy with a dark side!”