F***ing morons in the world! Everyone is so damn impatient that now when I am at at four way stop and turning and my ass end is still in the intersection the other car going straight already decides to take off instead of waiting a micro-second for the intersection to be clear. All sorts of scenarios can happen…a pedestrian could appear causing me to brake and then you would crash into the rear of my car. Stop being a moron and think! What the hell are you gonna’ do when you get home a nano-second earlier?
I feel you. Also, wait half a second after the light turns green before touching the gas, specially if the intersection is clear. Statistically speaking, this might literally save your life one day. Bunch of assholes think they can squeeze in at high speed on the first beats of a red light and end up T boning someone.
in my town, green doesn’t mean ‘go’. it means look out for the moron half-a-block back on the cross street, still gunning to make the light they missed.
Same. Green means “there’s probably one more car still coming, wait a second for him to zip right in front of you”.