In the gaming world, there are “speedruns” which may attempt to make use of glitches or advantages in games to be able to complete them quicker.

So it seems possible that in a similar way, we might try to find glitches or advantages in life to be able to accomplish things quicker.

What are some of your top “life hacks” to “speedrun” through certain things in life?

How could the concept of “speedrunning” be applied to life, and where shouldn’t it be applied?

    1 year ago

    Here are some “rules” I would really like to follow:

    1. Never give up

    2. Allays give 1000% of you

    3. There is no rest until you’ve achieved what you wanted in the first place

    4. Don’t leave today’s work for tomorrow

    The main thing that is stopping me from living by these rules is laziness. I know this is an excuse but I am working on stopping it’s usage