It’s taken a lot of hard work and I’m excited to announce that Voyager is now on the Apple App Store!

If you have time, download the app and consider leaving a review! This helps Voyager gain visibility and legitimacy.

Get the App!

Can I continue to use the PWA?

Of course! The PWA is self-hostable, hackable, and receives updates quicker. However, it doesn’t have access to certain native APIs that the native app takes advantage of.

Can I continue to use the Test Flight beta?

Yes, but I recommend switching to the App Store release if you aren’t actively involved in testing. It’s a more stable release :)

Get the App:

Enjoy! 💙

    2 years ago

    Hi @aeharding , is there a list with the differences (in place, not planned) between the native app and the PWA?

    I’m not interested in the scroll to top by tapping on the top, kind of things, neither haptic feedback. What I was really looking forward is push notifications (which can be implemented in PWAs, since I’m using one in Safari which supports this 😎) and badges.

    Either way, I can download it for the review purpose… Keep up with the good work.