• Enttropy@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Yeah…really. The thing is that, if you like to run older games on era-accurate hardware, Steam was already a pain in the ass to run on older machines. Probably 70% of these games, I purchased on Steam, and a lot of them are old titles.

    Maybe this is ludicrous to you, but le good ole Prototype runs like a nasty turd on my main W11 machine that I use for design and 4K video editing. I’m not new to modding, troubleshooting, and I’ve even dabbled in game development, but none of the fixes online seem to help me run the game at more than 10 FPS, with dips to the 3FPS realm.

    But guess what? Prototype runs like a dream on my restored Windows XP PC with a Core Quad and GTX260. Same as with Far Cry 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Jade Empire, and so many others. And don’t even get me started on games from the 90s. Even if they run OK on W11 and I get past all the text rendering issues, I still want the experience of running them on W98, with a CRT monitor, metal ball mice and bone white mechanical keyboards. I paid for them, but Valve wants to dictate how I should run 'em.

    If you can’t install Steam on older hardware, you can’t install your Steam games that you previously could. 🥸

      • Enttropy@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        As I’ve said, I’m a bad boy doing bad-boy activities, i.e.: using old PCs with the OS they came from. 🩸🗡️😎🔥

        • experbia@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I for one dislike your comment because you used non-ASCII characters (emoji) in your reply. I am viewing this conversation chain via mutt on a tty, as is my preference and hobby, and would appreciate if you avoid using characters that cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII. If you’re going to the effort of having a discussion in a public place, you have an obligation to keep those of us on mutt in mind.

          Sent via mutt 2.2.10 (gcc Version (linux_3.3.1-1-i386))

          • Enttropy@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            OHH!!! EMOJIS! The 200K Karma Redditor inside you is surely raging!

            I commented on why I think this announcement is just another corn in the steamy pile of doo-doo… dookie… manure, if you will, that Steam is for me.

            I’m not expecting Steam to change for me or people in the same scenario as mine. Steam simply doesn’t fit my needs any more and I won’t support them. But then again, crucify me for my sins, daddy. I might go back to purchasing games on Steam if you do it well enough. 🍆💦

            • elscallr@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Imagine thinking your this smart and missing such obvious parody of yourself.

              Hint: their comment had very little to do with emoji.