Is it a note-taking station? Is it a decoration only? Is it your regular journal? Is it a shopping list maker? Is it on display or tucked away?

I use mine to quickly write down ideas, so that I don’t get distracted by other things on a computer or have to wait for a computer to boot up. Other than that it’s a conversation piece and a decoration.

Edit, I forgot to include, I have a Royal like the one below. It was the cheapest one at the antique store, and it has worked perfectly for the 10+ years I’ve owned it.

    9 months ago

    I have my mom’s old Smith Corona electric typewriter, possibly from the 1960s, but I haven’t researched it deeply yet. It comes with a hard suitcase with a 3-digit combination lock, and a novelty dust cover that says “Typewriter!” in a bold font. My mom died in 1987, and I just took it. Last used in 1998 when my mother in law borrowed it, and it caused a fight because she died unexpectedly and her estate executor wanted to sell it, not believing it to be mine. He was under the impression it was an antique he could get good money for, but I stole it back. Last appraisal was mid 2000s, and in new working condition, I could MAYBE sell it for $30. But it’s one of the few scant possessions I have of my moms, so I keep it.