• Cosmoooooooo@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I don’t like atheism being associated with satanism in any way. I understand what they’re trying to do, and how it works. It’s still not worth it.

    Atheism is in a very special area where it’s not associated with any major religions. It’s part of atheism. Now, some atheist lawyers get an idea to become a religion, to fight a religion. Well, all religions fight all religions, so that’s nothing new. Except this time, it makes ALL atheists associated with satanists now. Which shouldn’t be a problem, except that christians, muslims, mormons, and jewish people that don’t live in reality now have preachers screaming about proof that atheists are associated with the devil. They’d be right.

    Now they have yet another direction to point their pitchforks in. More fuel on the christo-fascist movement of red-hats.

    They couldn’t do this with their less harmful, stupid fictional noodle god?

    Now religious terrorists are decapitating statues of satanic atheists? WTF?

    Stop associating atheism with satanism in any way. Please!