Wanted to share this since this was a long Project. Since Autodesk started changing Fusions functionality, from limiting active projects, to changing their terms of service. Since I need a CAD tool for my 3D Printable designs, I started migrating to a new cross platform CAD tool. That happened to be FreeCAD.
Learning FreeCAD wasn’t easy, but was well worth my time. And after slowly pecking at it for 11 months, I was able to re-build every design I made (that I cared about).
I’ve made my 3D Printable designs available on my GitHub if you are interested: https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns
Have you tried realthunders freecad fork?
I’ve recently been told that it would be vastly better than upstream due to massive fixes in the hierarchy/timeline, making changes much more likely to work.
I haven’t tested it though, so no Idea if it’s actually true. https://github.com/realthunder/FreeCAD/releases
/e: FreeCAD upstream is tackling the topological naming Problem as well though!
It will just still take some time.
I was going to type the same. Since OP started learning about 11 months ago, I wonder if he has explored on the realthunder version of freecad or not ?