While browsing in dark mode the color of the instance is very close to the background in color. Is it possible this could be made the same color as the community name? My poor eyesight is having a really hard time reading the instance name and there are some I just would rather avoid.
Sure, we can add that! 1.1.1 is in bugfix-only development at this point, but we’ll be sure to include it in the next version.
In the meantime, our app does respect the system-wide ‘increase contrast’ accessibility option, which is a pretty aggressive workaround will make the instance name much more legible.
I have not run into an instance where I need the increase contrast on the rest of iOS, I will give it a look though (maybe I do need it and just do not realize it… kind of like when I found out I need glasses to not be blind).
If you like, you can enable the setting for just Mlem by going into System Settings -> Accessibility -> Per-App Settings (it’s right at the bottom).
Could there be a setting for the other way too, like making the white text more grey to decrease contrast between pure black background and white text.
We’ve had this one on our radar for a little while now. We’ve pretty much got all our 0.19 compatibility stuff sorted, so we’ll look at scoping a lower-contrast dark mode into the next version since it seems like there’s demand for it