I’m from Mexico City, and he’s referring to the custom to go to Xochimilco’s canals and rent one or a few “trajineras” (shallow boats) and have a huge party while navigating the canals. In Mexican Spanish, “antro” is very often used to describe nightclubs. I suppose this activity is not very environmentally friendly in terms of trash, noise, etc.
Thank you for the clarification! Delicate creatures, like axolotl end up being markers for and victims of pollution, alas. If only we could find a way to respect all of Earth’s creatures while enjoying ourselves, doubtless we would benefit, also.
“There is no more time for Xochimilco,” said Zambrano. “The invasion” of pollution is very strong: soccer fields, floating dens. It is very sad.”
Umm, what are “floating dens”?
I found a source in Spanish where the original term used by the scientist was “antros flotantes” (floating nightclubs): https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/nacional/2023/11/24/adopta-un-ajolote-una-idea-de-la-unam-para-proteger-al-anfibio-mexicano-al-borde-de-la-extincion/
I’m from Mexico City, and he’s referring to the custom to go to Xochimilco’s canals and rent one or a few “trajineras” (shallow boats) and have a huge party while navigating the canals. In Mexican Spanish, “antro” is very often used to describe nightclubs. I suppose this activity is not very environmentally friendly in terms of trash, noise, etc.
Thank you for the clarification! Delicate creatures, like axolotl end up being markers for and victims of pollution, alas. If only we could find a way to respect all of Earth’s creatures while enjoying ourselves, doubtless we would benefit, also.