One guy banned me from 18 magazines for downvoting him. (Side note: this is why being able to see downvotes is bad. Even if anyone could see them by spinning up their own instance, that’s a lot of work compared to pressing 2 buttons.)

I was only subscribed to 1 of those magazines, but it’s still annoying to wake up to 18 ban messages from someone who got easily angered from a downvote.

Am I the asshole here?

[Note: not my story, but I figure this mag could use an inaugural post]

    1 year ago


    However, IMO it’s pointless to complain about being able to see downvotes because them being available to all users is an inevitable consequence of how federation works. Sure, you can obfuscate them by choosing not to expose them in the UI, but if anybody with even a little motivation can see them anyway then what’s the point?