do the right wing guys think it’s like a draco malfoy thing where they’re a good guy underneath?

like when it’s like a lady and a cop and the lady seems like a normal sorta boring suburban lady

do you know what i mean. this is one of the things where if you try to ask an AI bot it yells at you

      11 months ago

      I asked because I believe marriage and children can add pressures to a relationship, and may test right wing beliefs.

      For example: What if your wife changed her mind about being a SAHM and wanted to continue working after having a child? How would you both handle household chores and parenting duties?

      More examples: If your wife became pregnant but it was an ectopic pregnancy, would you support her having an abortion? Would you support an abortion if the baby was diagnosed with anencephaly while still in the womb?

      Would you use IVF if you had trouble conceiving? Would you use birth control to plan the size of your family?

      It’s easy to see eye to eye about hypothetical situations but maybe less easy when it’s real life.

      11 months ago

      but if we end up having a child, she’d become a stay-at-home mother until the child begins school, if not longer.

      Has she already agreed to this?