Kind of a click-baity title; I apologize.
For some while now I’ve been seeing the abbreviation of Firefox slowly mutate from Fx/fx to FF.
From the release notes:
How do I spell Firefox? How do I abbreviate it?
Firefox is spelled F-i-r-e-f-o-x - only the first letter capitalized (i.e. not FireFox, not Foxfire, FoxFire or whatever else a number of folk seem to think it to be called.) The preferred abbreviation is “Fx” or “fx”.
I mean, it makes total sense to abbreviate Firefox with two capital Fs, and the documentation does say “preferred abbreviation,” but I just wanted to make those of you who didn’t know about this aware…aware of the fact that you’re abbreviating Fx wrong, God dammit!
Time to piss off both camps an start calling it f5x.