Schadenfreude for the wicked is something we all indulge in, but prolonging pain rather than soothing it breeds hatred. Some kind of fuel for the onlookers, but what happens when you unchain the dog you’ve been beating? Someone’s going to win. Perhaps your team because the ire is high. But sacrifices have to be made. Your kin may die. Is that an acceptable result? That’s up to you to decide.
Schadenfreude for the wicked is something we all indulge in, but prolonging pain rather than soothing it breeds hatred. Some kind of fuel for the onlookers, but what happens when you unchain the dog you’ve been beating? Someone’s going to win. Perhaps your team because the ire is high. But sacrifices have to be made. Your kin may die. Is that an acceptable result? That’s up to you to decide.