Reasons to just do away (I am not suggesting a government ban) on competive sports. Ex. basketball, football, baseball, damn near everything else. I wasn’t always like this. Had a conversation with wife of a co-worker 20 some years ago and thought she was nuts. Funny how time and reconsideration can change a person outlook.
A huge waste of time. Unproductive except for large corporations and inflating players egos.
It reinforces division and us vs. them attitudes. Not unity and cooperation like what is needed today.
Add in b.s. like taking a knee during the anthem and men in womens sports, let’s just do away with competive sports.
If you want to ‘stick it to the man’ of overpaid athletes and mega-rich sports conglomerates, please consider.
I now spend my sundays at the rifle range.
Add in b.s. like taking a knee during the anthem and men in womens sports, let’s just do away with competive sports.
I agree with everything else, but not this turd of a sentence.
The sentence about overpaid athletes is even dumber. Sure they’re paid well, some of them, because of all the money their sports are earning. The owners are paid much much better. Anyone who’s more mad at the athletes than the owners is an idiot.
I did miss the overpayed athelete line. They are entertainers who put their bodies on the line for a short career and deserve every penny they get and more.
That should be what we in the industry refer to as “a clue.”
Giving them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they meant BS like [transphobes complaining about] men in women’s sports?
That is what I assumed they meant.
You don’t like to do anything where people compete against each other? Board games? Multiplayer video games?
co-op is always more interesting
I’m all in for the co-op, let’s work together type.
Ok. But what are cooperatively opposing? A computer in a game? Fine but that’s still a competition. A game by definition means a certain level of competition as a result of being oppositional by nature.
I had this same thought recently about the “divisive oppositional mindset” however I would like to think that for a majority it’s an outlet for that competitive instinctual drive. Thus not allowing that mindset to run your everyday life.
This just reads like “I don’t like this thing and here’s the reasons why, let’s get rid of it entirely. Also I like guns.” What about the folks that don’t like guns?
Now they have no sports and no guns.
I’d rather get rid of guns and lower the people getting shot stats, than the “sports fans have done a bollockry again” but no one was killed stats.
Different strokes.
I’ve always had this opinion… I never got the hype…
I never followed any competitive sports, always found them quite boring. Add to it the insane levels of corruption and abuse prevalent in commercial sports and I find it hard to understand how people can even enjoy them.
Don’t put money towards any of the major sport franchises.
Want to see a game? go to a local lower level league.
NBA/NHL/NFL/etc … stop going and more importantly stop buying their merchandise.
Want to really stick it to them? Vote for a government that will properly tax the every living SHIT out of these mega franchises.
What are your thoughts on
Competitive rowing?
Competitive lumberjack competitions?
Car Racing? Sailing? Airplane Racing? (involving a piece of equipment)
1 person competitions like Golf?
1 on 1 sports like Tennis?
Maybe your issue isn’t the ‘competitive’ nature?
Maybe your issue isn’t the ‘sports’?
I suspect your beef is with the over the top American Sport Major Sport Leagues and how they are run.
As a Canadian, the only way you’ll take hockey away is over our collective cold dead bodies. Hockey is practically a religion up here and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It would move to something else.
There used to be riots at the opera and theatre (as in plays not movies).
I don’t have a problem with competitive sports and such, but I do wish that it wasn’t such a large part of our collective culture. I don’t follow sports, and especially American Football. I have blue hair and last year nearly everyone was asking if I did it for the Detroit Lions. People who knew I had it for two years previous were asking me. Strangers in the store. I see ads for sports adjacent things when I don’t go to the websites like that or watch the games. Tired of seeing it everywhere.
Eh, I look at it as a relief valve for humanity.
Bread and circuses.
All I think about when someone mentions sports
And how, praytell, do you propose to enforce this? All it takes to play a game of footie is a field and a ball.
There are other competitive sports that aren’t just a pile of corporate greed, you just have to look beyond your TV.
I don’t enjoy watching sports but there’s something to be said about collective excitement
Definitely unpopular!