Nice to see a platform like GOG becoming so proactive these last 12 or so months (or, more so than they were previously)

With so many new initiatives (or in the case of the Dreamlist!) - re-imagined ones!

Dino Crisis and the sequel weren’t my kind of games, even being made specifically for modern hardware. I’m too young to have the nostalgia or patience for the so called ‘tank controls’ of the old days. But I still bought them to support the initiative. I’m just one of those poor fools waiting and hoping for a modern sleek remake, like the Resident Evil games were blessed with!

STILL, so nice to see this billboard in a prominent space! Nice work, GOG.

    15 days ago

    Times square? Damn, I thought they were strapped for cash and barely profitable.

    Good for them I suppose, but just remember that corps are not your friends. Even GOG is part of a stockmarket-listed entity that has fiduciary duties and can turn to crap in an instant. Keep your games offline and archived folks.