Around the world, progressive parties have come to see tight immigration restrictions as unnecessary, even cruel. What if they’re actually the only way for progressivism to flourish?

That the era of low immigration was also the era of progressive triumph is no coincidence. […] The United States felt more like a cohesive nation to many voters, with higher levels of social trust and national pride, and politicians were able to enact higher taxes on the rich and new benefits like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

    16 days ago

    How come it’s always nazi apologists with these takes…

    Ok big brain - who’s gonna provide those social benefits in a country with an aging population and no immigration?

    This sounds like the whole Brexit thing where folk voted to keep immigrants out and were then shocked when social services went even more to shit when they realized half of NHS staff were foreigners…

    If you were arguing to solve global inequality and climate change by dismantling western imperialism and by radically reducing their material consumption so that people didn’t need to emigrate - then we would agree - but your current stance just sounds like social security for me but not for thee…