His behavior, I think, is a symbol of the behavior of Linux developers as a whole. Linus may have mellowed out, but he’s still quite prickly, with his famous Quarterly Linus Rants™. Beyond that, Linux developers seem to really be quite difficult to work with in general. The most recent completely-avoidable-dramas that come to my mind are the bcachefs guy and Rust in Linux
To be COMPLETELY fair, the rust guy is the one who completely took what the linux developer said out of context, threw THE BIGGEST hissy fit about not getting his way, took Christoph’s objection to not-C languages in the kernel as a personal attack against Rust specifically even though Christoph went out of his way to point out that it wasn’t against Rust specifically but any other language including assembly, and then attacked him by trying to get him removed from the Linux maintainers team.
In this case, it was the Rust developer’s fault and the Rust developer being incredibly harsh, prickly, and manipulative - not Linux.
He’s way more polite than he was in past tho.
His behavior, I think, is a symbol of the behavior of Linux developers as a whole. Linus may have mellowed out, but he’s still quite prickly, with his famous Quarterly Linus Rants™. Beyond that, Linux developers seem to really be quite difficult to work with in general. The most recent completely-avoidable-dramas that come to my mind are the bcachefs guy and Rust in Linux
To be COMPLETELY fair, the rust guy is the one who completely took what the linux developer said out of context, threw THE BIGGEST hissy fit about not getting his way, took Christoph’s objection to not-C languages in the kernel as a personal attack against Rust specifically even though Christoph went out of his way to point out that it wasn’t against Rust specifically but any other language including assembly, and then attacked him by trying to get him removed from the Linux maintainers team.
In this case, it was the Rust developer’s fault and the Rust developer being incredibly harsh, prickly, and manipulative - not Linux.
Hence, completely avoidable drama