My top picks are my favs of Zephyr, Yareli and Ivara. Frost and Protea if I had to expand it to a top five.
Bonus round: what three frames do you think are getting a Proto treatment alongside Proto Temple? Praying for Frost actually 🙏
Honestly? The hex are fun and I absolutely adore eleanor, but I don’t necessarily need any additional protoframes.
When I started with the game warframes where these mythical warriors of a bygone era, until I reached the part where we met our operators for the first time.
Alright fine, we where some kind of void warlocks puppeteering a metal meat suit. Another revelation I could have done without to be honest.
I too came for the space ninja pirate wizards and stayed in spite of the… other stuff.
The Second Dream was cool and all, but the new systems were so rough at launch that I took my first extended break from the game because of it.
Tap for spoiler
I still don’t like my space kid that much so they stay in the Orbiter closet.
THE protoframe of all protoframes: Nidus!
And the mother of all that is good:
AmaterasuVoruna with her still alive packI expect it to be more of the og frames, loki, ash, ember, frost
Titania, Ember, Yareli. Valkyr and Nidus if I get five.
BR:I think they will fill out Vanilla, not all at once, but I’m sure they will do them eventually.
That would mean 3 out of Ember, Loki, Rhino, and Ash.
I could also see them doing Temple, 2 from Vanilla, and maybe like Baruuk( featured in a lot of promotional material) or some other later frame just to spice things up.
I really want to see a Valkyr protoframe but considering how DE seem to be actively ignoring how bad/buggy a state she’s in I don’t think its realistic.
They are adding arcanes to exalted, so I’m guessing they will give her a touch up then, or maybe that’s just cope.
Imagine if they drop Proto Yareli like six weeks before Yareli Prime.
Proto Loki just shows up one day like “I’ve been here all along, I was just hiding.”
I’m pretty confident Ash will be getting one, which def throws a wrench in this, but I’m still hoping we get Lady Loki as a real deep cut reference.
I’m basic so hoping for Saryn, Nova, Ember, Frost😁
Protea is a good choice too. I wonder what would Citrine protoframe look like
Citrine as a Protoframe would be horrifying. I can’t imagine the dialogue tree. 😰
She’d probably constantly talk about gems and crystals, how they can revitalize your aura or protect you from bad spirits
Id love to see Titania and Protea myself.
Want: Ember, Mesa, Mirage (plus Saryn, Gyre, Khora if I’m allowed to be extra greedy)
Expect: Ash, Ember, Rhino
Please no: Jade
Zephyr, Sevagoth, and Koumei
Highly Responsive To Prayers was released in 1995 so it’s entirely plausible that Proto Koumei is a Reimu cosplayer.
Proto kullervo would be neato