New Community, I’ve created some seed posts!
Carnivore - The ultimate elimination diet
- lifestyle
- food
- Science
- problems
- Recipes
- Sustainability
- Regenerative lifestyle
- Be nice
- Stay on topic
- Don’t farm rage
- Be respectful of other diets, choices, lifestyles!!!
Carbohydrates are converted to glucose in the liver. Someone who needs to maintain very strict glycemic control needs to be careful with grains and fruit.
You’re clearly talking out of your ass.
You don’t have to take my word for it. - Plasma Responses to different Carbohydrates - 1977
You don’t even have to trust the literature, blood glucose monitors are ubiquitous and inexpensive. You can measure your own glucose response to different foods. This is why diabetics taking exogenous insulin have to dose their insulin based on the carbohydrates they are consuming.
That study you sent doesn’t prove the carnivore idea at all.
I can’t read your mind, when you call me names and say I’m wrong, I have to use context to guess what the topic actually is. So I gave you date on carbohydrate glycemic load, which was the content of the message that you insulted me for… A reasonable person would assume you had a issue with the topic you were responding to.