Its creator argued that the game is no different from numerous games that allow users to kill Arabs

    3 months ago

    Meerly addressed your stupid edit and re-hashed the single point you’ve steadfastly refused to acknowlege, even now.

    Nope. I just don’t make hyperbolic false equivalences about Israel or the IDF like you are doing.

    Oh no, Iran’s backing them? Who cares. The entire West is “backing” Israel.

    Ah, yes, the West which is the total equivalence of Iran. Tankie shit propaganda, all while living comfortably over here instead of there.

    At this point, I’m pretty sure you don’t care one whit more for Israelis and IDF soldiers than I do.

    What gave you the hint? That I literally said fuck all of them over there? The difference is that I don’t pretend that I do, and that I don’t make excuses for either side. I simply look at the facts. If you’re some extremistic shitbags, than I think you can go to fucking hell, yes. I don’t give a shit about those hundreds or thousands of years of history that started all of this when neither of those sides gives a damn about living peacefully with each other. You cry about Israel, while Palestine wants Israel genocided just as much. The only difference here is the actual capabilities, which still does not stop either side from trying. And now that Hamas and Hezbollah fucked around, they both ended up finding out as well. Womp fucking womp. I bet you cried about everyone bombing the shit out of the IS as well, huh?

    Call me when Iran invades … well, anywhere really.

    Iran “invades” (nice specific wording btw, I’m sure you also downplay the fact that we’re at “war” with Russia) through proxies, attacking Israel and killing their citizens for decades at this point.

    I’m done with you and your lies. Just do us all a favor and go move to those brilliant “definitely not terrorist” led countries - with your kids of course - and keep us updated on how that goes. Bring some western values like rainbow flags along as well and tell everyone your thoughts about Allah and the prophet. Maybe this would be a good reality check for you lots.

      3 months ago

      Your last paragraph: I have less reason to do that than modern Israelis did, which I’ve pointed out was something like negative millions of reasons.

      Congratulations on completely missing the point over and over again. Your prize is to keep on wallowing in your own incoherent bullshit.