Whoever ends up spending 1500 dollars for hexbear.net domain should seriously sign out of the internet and reevaluate their life. You might as well take that money and set it on fire, what a pathetic waste.
If you’re looking for material to screenshot and post elsewhere on Lemmy, cancel your ISP and reevaluate your life you are wasting it.
Whoever ends up spending 1500 dollars for hexbear.net domain should seriously sign out of the internet and reevaluate their life. You might as well take that money and set it on fire, what a pathetic waste.
I don’t need to focus on anything, everyone else in the world knows your elections are rigged except you, the dumbest and most gullible people on earth.
Americans are the most gullible idiots in the world.
Your elections are based on redistricting. They do conspire to draw them to win, it is called gerrymandering. Because the system doesn’t work and is designed to maintain an oligarchy they don’t need to fix the entire thing across the entire country, they need to redraw the districts so they only need to fix a handful, and they do. They do not let the worlds largest nuclear armed oligarchy bend to the will on the dumbest people on earth.
Also they don’t need to fix every election, they need to fix a certain % of them over the course of years to push an agenda across they’ve been working on for a long time. You are literally falling victim to the business plot now. While you write paragraphs talking about Occlam’s razor you literally just need to look out of your window to see the results.
Tell me you’re white without telling me you’re white
They are imperial murderers and managers of corporate oligarchy. The solidarity we form is against them. They are not left-wing at all, they are hard right wing reactionaries in a nation where the overton window has been shifted and the population is so brainwashed that they can even entertain that they are left-wing. They are barely left of most right wing politicians in the world. As a prosecutor, Kamala Harris has condemned thousands of innocent people to hard labor in slave camps and is an agent of the carceral state. Anyone in the US government is the enemy of free people in the US and around the world.
Your last phrase uses the words of the people on the left not the right, but clearly you don’t understand the problem. You are just an apologist for genocide, slavery and empire.
You are not understanding what I am saying. You do not live in a democracy. Harris had no chance of winning because your elections are fake. That is what I mean by results are predetermined, just like Wrestlemania. The US oligarchs fixed the elections during redistricting years before the election took place. During the ridiculous run up to the event nothing you did mattered. You live in a authoritarian oligarchy.
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All he did was save capitalism which inevitably led to what the US has today. There is no future for humanity with oligarchs like him and his family despite their supposed good intentions
Yeah a better title would have been “I’m left wing” or something but I hate the English language and refuse to respect it.
It was, yeah. The US was going to implode and decline no matter which person was appointed by your oligarchy. You didn’t vote for any of the corporate board members who control your society and government in November. You also didn’t actually have a choice, in kayfabe democracy the results are predetermined, much like all the elections in authoritarian carceral states.
The leftist revolutionary heroes are resisting the people on the right, it is a hard split. The people on the right are shepherds of the US carceral state and imperial murderers
What the hell you talking about? These are all revolutionary heroes acting in self defense and promoting solidarity.
Calling Fanon a tankie is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read today. Try reading a book for once in your life. He talks about how violence psychologically harms the revolutionary more than it does the people they attack.
Malcolm X was protecting himself after being firebombed here.
Fred Hampton was a socialist and preached cross racial solidarity and black power as a way of elevating black people into solidarity.
The Zapatistas are indigenous heroes who are resisting oppression of the state, who prefer civil disobedience but will act to protect themselves.
Sacco and Vanzetti were organizing a general strike and were framed then murdered by the state
Leila Khalid was separated from her family at 15 during the Palestinian expulsion and resisting Israeli occupation
Where the hell are the tankies in this pic? What are you people even talking about
The left side with the heroes and not the right side with the imperialist murderers. You should read Fanon.
It is a kayfabe democracy. It has only oligarchical management, not democratic representation. No matter who wins the elections the policies are predetermined. Rooting for Kamala over Trump is no different than rooting for The Undertaker in Wrestlemania.
Nuh uh, you’re stupid, in fact you’re the worlds dumbest man.
LOL yeah… I don’t really fetishize them in the NRA sense but I shouldn’t speak for everyone I guess.
It is so funny when Americans think that the election was fair and they had a choice. You have a kayfabe version of democracy.
But shitting on that pink hat (which is clearly a symbol for queer/trans people) is just unacceptable
That isn’t what that is a symbol for at all. It was a knit hat made for an ineffective Trump protest in 2017. Actually queer and trans people found the hats exclusionary. So did non white people whose genitalia aren’t that color. The entire pussy-hat movement was feel-good liberal activity that accomplished nothing and made no difference. Much like the liberal “support” for Ukraine.
but i don’t like guns
This is extreme privilege. None of us like guns just to like guns. Brother Malcolm was being threatened with his life daily and his home was firebombed then he was assassinated, he was trying to protect himself. Fred Hampton was literally murdered by the police. The Zapatistas and Palestinians don’t resort to violence because they “like it” either, they are targets of the state that act with violence on them and both have learned that civil disobedience has its limits. Sacco and Vanzetti were anarchists that were executed by the state after being framed and falsely accused of a bombing, armed robbery and murder which the state of Massachusetts apologized for in 1977.
I would be more ashamed and probably not admit about how you have a sad life without anything else going on