Sai Somsphet


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • One of the few games I beat. Enjoyed it. Interesting combat system, easy to make any build you want. Karma system included makes for some fun attacks and defense.

    That being said, gameplay gets stale after a while. While there is a bunch to do, none of it is necessary to beat the game.

    The primary villain isnt an end game boss at all, and the actual end game bosses are beatable through quick time events and mecha that aren’t effected by your load out or skills. It’s like a different game against the endgame bosses.

    My favorite part of the game was just exploring around looking for fights. Making enemies and allies while shooting guns John woo style.

    My advice is to buy a physical copy, they are dirt cheap because the game didn’t meet expectations.i remember when it flopped on release.myown copy came free with ps plus, so buyer beware. Watch some gameplay videos first. Otherwise grab it when it seems like an easy get. It’s worth a try at least

  • Hehe the chicken episode…

    Or the one where Jack joins the Mafia. Jack learns to Jump Jack helps a dragons indigestion Jack meets a Scotsman. The Scotsman needs jack’s help The Scotsman helps jack’s memory

    Oh and the miniseries of three episodes where Jack “loses”. The fairy spell, the twin dragons, and I think Aku makes space bacon too.

    What about that time Jack got into a mech and fought another giant mech?

    Or when he gave up a portal to the past?

    Seriously I understand why you skipped some episodes, but I legitimately love them all and I don’t think anyone can point out one single episode I don’t like.

    Every episode is good in my opinion. Except maybe the metal cannibal episode. That one scares me a bit.

  • He dumped those for smuggling room.

    Lando had missiles loaded on his version of the falcon, and missiles were used in combat in the older books. But I believe it was referenced at some point that Han dumped the missiles for more room.

    The empire also specifically outlawed certain weapons on ships to make civilians more reliant on the imperial navy, mearning heavier lasers and the more capable missles were never legally a viable option. Normally not an issue to a smuggler, but as Han stated, even he gets boarded sometimes.

    But yes, the Falcon has missile hard points and can function as a light blockade runner for military purposes.