Welcome to today’s episode of ‘How to screw over your own prime minister and lose your credibility as a country on the EU stage’. Disclaimer: I’m Dutch.
Welcome to today’s episode of ‘How to screw over your own prime minister and lose your credibility as a country on the EU stage’. Disclaimer: I’m Dutch.
That popup you mention sounds like the zen web panel rather than the sidebar. In total that gives 3 concepts: vertical tabs, a floating web panel next to that and the sidebar. I like what they’re trying to do, but it’s not all polished yet with some odd UI glitches or things requiring (re)configuring like the toolbar. That combined with bad font rendering and missing tab groups made me switch back to FF for now…where I now disabled all usage data sharing options.
Indeed. It uses some of the vertical tabs features in Firefox, but adds workspaces (~tabbed tab window) that you can assign default containers (like banking, personal, shopping) to. Tab groups are missing, but are being worked on. Don’t expect nested tabs or trees like Sideberry or TST offer though. Honest disclosure: the implementation is not fully polished yet. The location where new tabs are opened or their remembered location after closing/opening the browser is not consistent.
Yes, I have tabs on the left and sidebar opens on the right.
“And I’ve got the instructions to drive a wedge between long-standing allies for my puppetmaster. I’m doing the dividing so he can (try to) conquer.”
Upvoted it. The inability to use a sidebar (local LLM chat) on the other side with vertical tabs or at all when using sideberry together with their changed stance on selling user data made me move to Zen browser.
Fellow Russian puppets got each other’s backs.
That’s what happens when you train your model by only feeding it positive cases. If you just count the times a word was involved in a post where a human mod banned/deleted, but not the times it was not… Then again how often were people discussing the game character outside of game related subs? Could simply be some truth to it when loads of people use the ‘to Luigi someone’ form.
You mean like… CETA?
Thanks for that tip. Not looking for per se, but I just don’t want overly restrictive filtering on what is considered NSFW (a bit of skin, gore, medical cases). I’m not going to browse Lemmy on a work device anyway.
Hi, Thank you for taking the time to directly address my findings. All in all I like what I see here so far! Getting acquainted with all the concepts will probably take some time. Most are familiar, but also worded/implemented slightly different. Then there’s the diverse front-end (Web)Apps which also add different behaviours. I hope me sharing these findings doesn’t come across as complaining; trying to help spot possible improvements / testing if it’s me or the app.
For the Photon front-end, you should be able to turn on blurring in the user settings for NSFW marked content. It should use the same settings you have in your account for this
Well, visibility is enabled in my account (API only?) settings, but there’s no blur or hide until clicked option there. Within the app-specific settings of m.lemmy.zip I have enabled the blur option… but no blur is applied. I can replicate the same on desktop (Zen browser).
This together with the low thumbnail quality compared to the other web-apps you offer, made me switch to t.lemmy.zip So I’m glad there’s choices :-)
Can’t say I’ve experienced the lagging on scrolling either.
I think it’s related to that hovering dock for navigation. It’s jittery while scrolling, but the whole screen feels like <30fps during a scroll move.
Ideally we’d like to hide the communities from the /all feed but still allow people to search for and interact with them if they want.
I agree. That’s indeed the desired or expected behaviour, but I can live with expanding my subscriptions and using to the ‘subscribed’ listing. I do like browsing ‘all’ from time to time to break out of the bubble so to speak. Also there, blocking individual communities sounds like a one-time investment and something I can live with.
I don’t envy the man at all. Horrible limbo position he’s in with no mandate of his own.