How the hell is this still a thing when there’s still the same two tiktoks as the only evidence. How is this acceptable journalism. I’m losing my mind. Now they’re saying they actually haven’t been deployed cause they’re so incompetent. 😂 Comrades give me patience sometimes I can’t anymore

    3 months ago

    Tomorrow I’m pitching my report on why Russia invaded to the daily telegraph: They discovered Blackstone pylons in Odessa, which they’re going to use to extend the range of the Korean necromancers. They’ll need to be deployed alongside Russian warlocks, who summon hordes to swarm the brave Aryan peoples of Europe, and the necromancers will resurrect them, since Russia can’t fight a war without 100:1 casualties.

      3 months ago

      You see, it’s both. The Russian meat wave tactics are only mastered after years of training. They use the tactics not because their soldiers are undisciplined or under equipped, but because Putin wants to see his people suffer.

      The North Korean soldiers have been unable to complete the meat wave training due to being malnourished and porn addicted.

      I hope these news outlets pay well. I think I’ve got a shot once they read this BS.

  • I think the DPRK is seeing an increasingly weakening and also desperate Empire that might make even more extreme moves to maintain world power. I don’t think it’s unwise to have your soldiers deployed to a theater of war to see NATO tactics and weaponry up close, especially since it has been over 70 years since their military has seen combat. The likelihood of the US using one of its goons to strike the only legitimate government in Korea in the near future is reasonably high, I would say such actions, if they are occurring are prudent. Especially since we can see in the case of Ukraine, that the US is not worried about exposing the world to possible nuclear annihilation as long as it’s via a proxy. I can easily see the US willing to fight the DPRK to the last “South Korean”.

    However, I admit I’m just a fucking moron making informed guesses, I wish Western media would have this level of self-awareness.

  • companero [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I think the soldiers exist but they are being kept as a reserve to immediately respond to any further Ukrainian incursions. They will not be used offensively.