This old thing that sometimes happened in Sync for Reddit seems to happen again here, where comments are always indented even to the point of not rendering correctly because they reached the right border. If I’m remembering correctly, this was fixed by giving the user the option to “Load more comments” in the old app, which opened a new screen starting back at the left border. Can we get something like that again?
Post in question:
Device information
Sync version: v24.03.26-14:56
Sync flavor: googlePlay
View type: Slides
Device: RMX3085L1
Model: realme RMX3085
Android: 13
It looks like the behavior of “view more” has recently changed. Before it would load just the sub tree of comments but now it loads them within the main comment tree. Old way was a bit jarring but loaded correctly, new way scrunches comments as they get too close to right side border.
Can you link the post?
Sorry, I should have thought of that myself:
Hmm, I think it looks fine for me.
What adding style are you using?
Settings shortcut: Comments > Padding style
Device information
Sync version: v24.03.20-17:18 Sync flavor: googlePlay Ultra user: true View type: Compact Push enabled: false Device: b0q Model: samsung SM-S908W Android: 14
For me it’s “Material (medium padding)”, I’m guessing it’s similar to yours since our screenshots look decidedly similar.
Correct. I assume that’s the default.
Material minimum padding, I guess that’s why.