Personally I prefer functional architectures + callbacks (better) / closures (tolerable),they tend to scale a bit better.
If a a dog needs to eat, then invoke the eat function with dog data and the dog eat function.
Explicit (this data is dog so I feed it with the dog eat function) vs implicit (I have no idea, I ask my data to eat as it pleases).
Explicit design tends to have fewer bugs my conjecture. Protocols are a halfway point, at least you know “hey this thing eats … uh … something.”
However, if doing that, just take it all the way - systems are better explicitly linking a verb to a noun vs assuming the noun knows how to verb.
It is also easier to test and debug.
I need to move away from using inheritance in my Python. I’ve been using Rust exclusively for the past year and it’s definitely going to affect how I write code in other languages.
“If only I could make this a