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The original was posted on /r/todayilearned by /u/VegemiteSucks on 2023-10-30 15:15:29.

Original Title: TIL of Thomas Fuller, an enslaved African and mental calculator. When asked how many seconds a man has lived in 70 years 17 days & 12 hours, he replied 2,210,500,800. When told he was wrong, Fuller said “massa, you forget de leap year”, which was correct once the seconds of the leap years were added

    11 months ago

    Wow. Apparently he was wise too.

    One of the gentlemen, Mr. Coates, having remarked in his presence that it was a pity he had not an education equal to his genius, he said, “No, Massa, it is best I had no learning, for many learned men be great fools.”