Today’s game is Mario Kart 64. I spent all day working on Red Dead 2, but after a crash i decided to kick back with Mario Kart 64. I ran an entire course through the first cup.
I’ve mentioned this before but this was the Mario Kart me and my sister grew up on. We had it on Wii VC and later the legit Cartridge for N64. I always have chosen Toad because i love his voice. He sounds like a menace to society which makes it fun.
For almost the entire cup i had Yoshi right up my ass. I kept having to use Bananas to spin him out and remove him. Yoshi always seems to be a constant rival in this game for me.
At one point I managed to lose him though by taking a shortcut through the train tunnel Kalimari Desert. I lost the race because it didn’t count the lap, but i was happy just to get Yoshi off my back. Luckily the game lets you redo the race if you fail which is unexpected. I never knew it did that.
After redoing the race though i came in first place and got the chance to show Yoshi up. Mario came in third after i watched him shove Luigi out of the way on the final course. Up until that point they seemed to have been neck and neck
My favorite character as well, and also the fastest in the game.
I love the sounds he makes 64 era. I genuinely wish it stuck around a little bit longer
Toad-main here 🙋
You made me want to play this game again lol
It’s one of the easiest to pick up and play imo. There’s no bad tracks so just select a cup and you’re guaranteed to have a good time with or without friends
Whoa, they fixed the screen on Yoshi Circuit!?
Which emulator are you using?
I had to look, but it boots into retro arch which i believe uses Mupen64. I use Emudeck to automatically configure everything though, so i can’t say with 100% faith since i didn’t set it up myself
Got this for Christmas in 1997 and it blew my mind. Had an NES with super mario bros, and had never heard of an N64 before we got it, and the leap was just staggering at the time. Went to bed dreaming of mario kart lol
When the N64 was announced, I spent months reading about the console and games to come out at launch. Ssved a lot of money and pre ordered my N64.
I made a list of the game to buy with the console for my dad, who was to pick it up on launch day.
He came back that evening with my brand new N64. But no games. They were all sold out!
I had to wait a week until they got any back in stock.
The pain!
Damn, tough luck! What were the first games that you got? Did the n64 rock your world or what?
Yeah, it was mind blowing! The first game I got was Mario 64. It was amzing, real 3D.
Then I remember, pilotwing, mario kart, golden eye and wave race.
Collects golden mushroom Wahoo wa wa wa wa wa wa waaahoooooo!
Donkey Kong with that Mushroom haunts my nightmares. Most horrifying thing i’ve heard
Did you know that Nintendo skipped Mario Karts 2 through 63 to get to Mario Kart 64?
It was a bold choice to go back and make the prequels 7 & 8
They jumped in the Nintardis