Why? So they can get that coveted “Overwhelmingly Negative” rank on Steam like they have elsewhere?
People would have to buy and refund this one to bomb it, versus overwatch which was f2p. It’ll probably settle at “mixed” or “mostly positive” until blizzard does something to try to squeeze more purchases out of the playerbase again.
Why? So they can get that coveted “Overwhelmingly Negative” rank on Steam like they have elsewhere?
Maybe it’s a bet to release the three worst reviewed games on Steam?
Diablo 3 still works, I don’t see a reason for this one to get bombed like Overwatch 2 did. If you bought it, its your own fault. I’m not actually keeping up with D4, did they screw up something since its launch?
D4 is an exercise in how a lot of effort and a lot of thought can go into something and result in a game that’s inferior in the important ways (is the game actually fun to play, is progression fun and rewarding) while also being technically superior to its predecessors – the game looks amazing, the engine is fantastic.
I’m playing it with my wife and it’s just not very fun yet. It reminds me of grinding levels in classic WoW, but without the benefit of getting new skills and feeling more powerful with the levels. I’m hoping that after some patches, seasons, and expansion packs that it gets to be a little more fun, but right now they’ve made leveling so slow and so inconsequential that the game is just a repetitive slog. You’re not getting any new skills past level 50 but it takes absolutely eons longer to go from level 50 to 100 than it did to go from 1-50, all areas in the entire game except for nightmare dungeons are level scaled so you aren’t actually getting any more powerful with each level, you’re just watching numbers go up while killing exactly the same things in exactly the same way you have been for the last 50 levels.
Appreciably, Diablo 3 was kind of crap at launch as well and it wasn’t until they removed the RMAH, added a new class, added adventure mode and bounties, and added a lot of seasonal content that it fleshed out to being as fun as it is now. I’m hopeful that D4 eventually gets there but man it’s just not the fun I was hoping for presently.
It reminds me of grinding levels in classic WoW, but without the benefit of getting new skills and feeling more powerful with the levels.
The problem is the level scaling. It literally doesn’t matter if you gain levels because everything else does too. You don’t feel any accomplishment because you haven’t gained any power over the monsters.
You can’t get your butt kicked by a boss and go elsewhere to gain a few more levels to try again because the boss gets more powerful too.
There’s nothing to push me to gain levels.
So far, it feels like this game is far less about leveling and much more about the Paragon board
Last few patch there’s an update to reduce level scaling, so if your character is lvl 85 for example, the monster will be level 80
This made the open world so much worse, leveling in there taking much longer so it becomes irrelevant, especially because after mid game most of the monster will be a few hit kill regardless of levels.
Really glad they reverted this changes on next season, the open world monster will have same level again
The level scaling was what killed the game for me. Why am I going back to zones I trekked through nearly naked at the start of the game and having the exact same level of fight when I’m geared up? It cut the ankles out from any feelings of progression I might have felt. All for the sake of an open world that I didn’t ask for and wasn’t enthused about playing through. The open-world didn’t serve the story any better amd only brought negatives. Even if they wanted to give you freedom to explore, the story (from what I played was already laid out in tiers. Why not have those zones’ levels bracketed around those story tiers.
Slogging through the campaign for 40 hours with maybe 5hrs of interesting story/scenes and 10min of worthwhile cut scenes, all so I could do their Season 1 challenges, which had such riveting tasks as “Modify 2 pieces of armor at the blacksmith” and “upgrade your healing potion” to complete it. Again, this is after i finished the campaign and have a high level character utilizing all the resources/merchants/etc. they have. 15-20% of the “quests” belong in an intro tutorial.
Anyone interested in D4 should just wait until it’s like $15. It’s incredibly dull.
Same experience here – I started a seasonal character and gave up at level 12 because while the malignant hearts were a neat concept, everything else was ridiculously trite and stupid.
I can’t believe it was supposed to last multiple months. By day 3 or 4 my buddies and I were like “well we’ve seen all there is to see.” Probably put 6-8 hours into it. Thanks god BG3 dropped
Solo, I agree. Co-op, is a far more enjoyable experience.
We played as a group of 4 when we could but we’re mid-30’s with kids and jobs lol the game needs to be solid solo as well. It’s not, it’s just boring.
I don’t know what the jobs and kids have to do with anything, but there is quite a bit of boredom involved with this one. I am still enjoying playing through the classes and messing with builds and aspects, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of endgame focus yet (nm dungeons get old quick) and the story is sooooo uninteresting. Which is a shame, cuz Lilith is very well done.
It’s still remarkably better than d3 was at release.
I brought that up because it means we all need a decent single player experience for when our schedules don’t lineup, which is frequently. When you’re younger this isn’t as big of a problem.
I couldn’t even bring myself to finish the campaign, it was just so soulless and grindy, I gave up halfway.
I hated the campaign too. It was boring, and I never felt invested in it at all.
Watch the final cinematics they’re dope. But yeah good call
This is me. I played at the start and for a bit of Season 1 but lost interest ~60 hours in. Maybe it’ll be good in a couple years, but for now there are too many other fun games available to keep playing this one.
Please try guild wars 2 with your wife if you have not already. It is brilliant with a partner.
I’ve been playing GW2 since beta – heck, I’ve been playing Guild Wars since the original game’s beta, I am a sucker for a good MMO that isn’t pay-per-month. I still remember the end of the original Guild Wars beta when meteors started falling down killing everyone in Ascalon. My wife isn’t quite as interested in MMO-esque experiences, she more likes the couch co-op style (we played D3 until Paragon 950+ on PS4 Pro and play D4 on PS5), so I haven’t been able to get her playing it yet – but I’ll keep trying!
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So you didnt keep up with diablo 4 at all? It’s also your fault for buying overwatch 1 or Warcraft 3 reforged or diablo 3 and so on?
I meant Diablo 4 seems to be exactly what they advertised, at least for now. But I will not be surprised when they ruin it in a later update chasing that dollar, considering their other games.
The other examples you list were perfectly justified reasons to be upset. As they removed perfectly functional old games with OW and WC3 and everything about the D3 real money auction house at launch was messed up.
I still won’t play it. Blizzard can suck it sideways
Why? Why so much love for this game in particular?
For me, I love the franchise and have really fond memories, but this one feels like a free to play game, but then they also want $70 for it. A game with a premium price point can be okay and a game with microtransactions can also be okay, but trying to be both is going to result in those of us who’ve been around awhile just taking a pass.
So this huge game with ton’s in game stuff you ignore because there is also a store where you can buy if you want to few armor pieces, which are not even necessarily better, just different?
This game doesn’t have tons of stuff… path of exile has tons of stuff. Diablo 4 has nightmare dungeons. 12 of them. That’s it
There’s always the main story of Diablo, but for a lot of us, the real game, and the reason we kept coming back was to get those cooler items. It’s what turns Diablo from a play once experience to a put 100s of hours into it experience for me, and now it’s turned into a pay $30 experience which feels really bad.
Personally I deleted blizzard games after the sexual harassment lawsuit/investigation by the California AG, but many hate Diablo specifically for the immortal mobile game. Diablo 4 also increased the grind after launch to pad content further, it’s a $70 game with cosmetic macrotransactions, and it has season passes and other garbage.
I ditched them in 2019 after the Blitzchung “liberate Hong Kong” controversy.
Blizzard is a shit company that exploits their customers, their employees and had a huge sexual harassment issue recently. Overall just a complete shit company making overpriced mediocre games. They used to be great, which is why they draw so much hate for now being awful.
Blizzard is so shit that when I had internship offers from two predatory gaming megacorps, Blizzard and EA, I took the EA position because they didn’t have a history of abusing and sexually harassing their employees.
Was a real Sophie’s Choice there for me.
I bought Diablo 3 in a physical DVD in a local computer store. This is Brazil, so the mere idea of managing to line up and buy a game at the same day as everyone else in the world was huge at the time.
I get the game, I install it, and despite not having the best PC it did run well - I also don’t remember suffering with the server issues most people did at launch. However, I need to take a break to study for some tests, and after that, I moved cities so this meant I took a break from the game for a few months.
When I come back, my account is locked. Why? Well, I was playing everyday, but then I was not, and they interpreted this a “suspicious sudden change of playing habits”. They wanted a picture of my ID to unlock my account. Guess what though, their support wasn’t equipped to deal with a Brazilian ID. Of course, being brazilian, my only ID is this one.
So that was how Blizzard locked me out of a game I owned, a game I could physically hold in my hands.
And that’s the story of why I’m never buying a Blizzard product, regardless of medium or store, regardless of quality or hype, regardless of promises or support pages. The game could literally make my computer start ejecting gold nuggets out of the USB 2.0 port, and I would not play a Blizzard game.
They wanted a picture of my ID to unlock my account.
This is inappropriately invasive, and doesn’t even accomplish the stated goal, since an ID can’t prove account ownership when the account wasn’t created with an ID in the first place.
This practice has become alarmingly common for online services. We really do need strong privacy laws.
Activision didn’t have 2fa, my account got hacked and stolen, and sold on the black market (I assume because I had a Damascus skin on cod mw) after months of talking to support with proof of purchase (I think 4 months) they still hadn’t helped, and I realised my steam account was still linked and I regained access.
I changed the password instantly, and I had my account back. Almost immediately I received an email saying “fuck you, you sold me an account and changed the password!” This is how I learned it’s fate, after an argument dissolving into a conversation with them, it turns out he just bought my account from the hacker.
I relay ALL this information to chat support (who take an hour to contact and are only open at 3am) who can see my purchase history and extensive chat logs about the issues I’ve had. They congratulate me on managing to recover my account and help me remove the hackers linked accounts.
And then they ban me within that same week.
They won’t unban me, it’s permanent, they won’t review it or look at the chat logs, they don’t care. They didn’t ban it when it got hacked or when it got sold for four months, but they did once I recovered it.
Fuck actiblizzard
I sold a wow account 15 years ago that was decked out for the time (guild broke up) for $1,000. Kept getting emails for years. Eventually I got sick of it and responded to one saying the account had changed hands and they banned it immediately. They only care about people selling/trading things outside of their system. They get a wiff of an account being sold and they’ll nuke it.
Whoa whoa whoa… if it starts printing good I’d even pay for a WinRAR license.
Joking aside, diablo 3 was the last game I ever pre-ordered. They basically made a wow clone in the Diablo universe, but without a compelling story. They must be desperate for sales if they are diversifying where they sell it.
Surest sign there’s flame under Blizzards feet is their support for Steam.
Damn, too bad I don’t have a cell phone
You do have a bank account.
Calling it already, they’re only moving to Steam to aid in the anti-monopoly argument so they can sell themselves to Microsoft
That’s quite possible. Epic allowing other stores on their store felt like making a point, if not using it in their legal proceedings.
Just play Grim Dawn instead
GD ftw. I read somewhere there’s going to be ankther expansion. Is it true? And when?
I can’t wait to not play it there either!
Cool but when is the beta testing over?
Not sure, I’m not a big always-online required kinda guy 🤷🏻♂️
How else are they going to make sure you’ve paid for all the cosmetics?
Will somebody please think of the poor developer?
The visceral reaction I had to your username cannot be understated…
With that out of the way, I’m disappointed with Diablo IV being always on. I loved every one up to 3 and never craved online interaction. I get it’s where the money is at but for that reason, as the Sharks would say, I’m out.
Back in my day video games made their money from sales and sequels.
I still won’t try it :) . Last Epoch, while in beta still keep me busy…
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Just don’t give this any time of day. Even if this was a good game, Blizzard, let alone Microsoft, are shit companies you shouldn’t support. It doesn’t help that it’s also just a bad aRPG
Wish i didnt have to buy it again and could just transfer my stuff from battle net
Can I transfer my license to a steam one?
I’m a long term Guild Wars 2 player and when they joined Steam the client auto logs you in using your Steam account. However there is a switch you can add so that it logs in using a non-steam account.
Never heard of this for a game tbh
Bethesda did it when they shut down the Bathesda launcher, but other than that it’s not really something that happens.
Stardock games were like this.
This was somewhat done for Destiny 2, when they moved from Battle.net to Steam (so like the Bethesda situation mentioned in another reply). I’m sure it was a bit easier for them since the base game went F2P which obviously hasn’t happened here for Diablo 4, but all of my purchases/DLCs for the game were transferred over to the Steam equivalents.
I’d assume if they really wanted to, they could find a way to just give everyone who has it on BNet a key to the Steam version, but there’s no real incentive for them to do that.